Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Results Improving

Time for a quick results update.

I've felt my game has been improving quite a bit over the last couple of months, I put this mainly down to a couple of the books I've read, predominantly The Poker Tournament Formula by Arnold Snyder and Killer Poker Online 2 by John Vorhaus. I feel these two books have made the biggest differenvce to my game and the results I've been having would appear to be backing this up.

Nov 2006,
STT, played 132, Average position 2nd, Average Buy-In $5.58, ITM 47%, ROI 2%, Profit $13.39
MTT, played 8, Average Buy In $21, ITM 38%, ROI 170%, Profit $292.26
Total Profit for Month: $305.65

November was the best month I'd had to date but the results are very heavily skewed by the result I had in the £50 game at the Gutshot. The STT results are also heavily skewed because I was playing a lot of Heads Up games to gain Heads-Up experience. I was delighted with the result at the time but it wasn't exactly built on solid fundamentals and I wasn't all that confident that I could repeat it. But a definate step in the right direction.

Dec 2006,
STT, played 57, Average position 3rd, Average Buy-In $8.43m ITM 39%, ROI 13%, Profit $63.31
MTT, played 30 Average Buy In $13.75, ITM 23%, ROI 107%, Profit $441.23
Total Profit for Month: $504.54

December was a much better month my results were more consistent and not skewed by as much by just a few games. My STT results were a bit disapointing but at least I was in profit on them. It is my MTT results and there consistency that I was most pleased with as I proved to myself that I could get deep into the money with reasonable frequency. As well as boosting my bankroll nicely, the results in December did quite a bit for my confidence as it shows some consistency in my results and it's my 2nd month in a row in profit.

Jan 2007 so far,
I'm up $132 in STTs and about break even in MTTs. I'm in bankroll building mode at the moment so I'm sticking to the $5 & $10 games and rewarding myself with the odd $20 MTT when I have a good run, but I'm going to drop back down to $5 & $10 MTT's with fields less than 100 players for the rest of the month to see if I can get the MTT's into the black for the month. I don't feel that my MTT play has been bad, I'm just putting it down to variance. In the early part of the month my STT's weren't too hot so I went back to a couple of books and refreshed my memory going over a couple of chapters and now we are storming again. So the plan for the rest of the month is stick to the softer $5 games and play as many as possible. I doubt I'll get anywhere near December's profit for the month but just as long as I don't spunk my profit away and end up ahead for the month I'll be pleased. If I can show three profitable months in a row I'll be delighted as it will give me some more confidence that I can be consistant.

Wish me luck................

Where have I been

Crikey, I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted. It's just too easy to forget to post and get out of the habit and I really want to try and maintain this blog so I can look back on it at a later date and see how my journey into poker has progressed.

The beauty of blogging my poker experiece is that I'll not have a record of my journey but I'll also be able to recall my mental attitude, the highs and lows that I encounter along the way.

So to make up for the barren spell on my blog, here comes a flurry of postigns to bring things back up to date.